U |
UCSD-p runs on all usual systems, IBM PC included.
Pascal- and Fortran-Compiler available.
UNIVAC early
Ken Thompson of Bell Labs -co-author of Multics - needed a system for
a game. He found a unused PDP-7 and wrote a simplified
version of Multics . This lead later to UNIX.
The idea of an OS made up of
simple and efficient tools, esp. the pipe concept allows
doing complex things by combining modular building
blocks. Interoperability and plattform-independence was a
design issue because AT&T used machines by all the
national vendors. Multi-user, multi-tasking. A hacker's
OS, not an enduser OS.
The main reason for the success of Unix was, that it was
freely available for the academic comunity in source
code: You could find the source code of Unix at every
University in the world. Everybody could change some
lines of code and feel himself as Operating-System guru.
The only prerequisite needed was a good knowledge of 'C' (and a good
compiler), a language which was at that time not very prominent. The original Unix was a very short piece of code: just half
of an 8" floppy.
UC at Berkley collected the
new contributions for the next release.
"UNIX has evolved from an
operating system to a way of thinking about
computing" (Mahoney o. J., S. 1). "It is more
than an operating system. It is a philosophy of
Programming" (Libes & Ressler 1989:37).
"UNIX is a lot more than an operating system. It is
actually a large, worldwide culture that is intimately
connected to the Internet" (Hahn & Stout
The Need for Operating System Research at Bell
Even though AT&T withdrew
from the research collaboration on Multics, computer
scientists at Bell Labs wanted some way of continuing the
advanced form of programming research that their work
with CTSS and Multics had made possible. As early
as 1957, Bell Labs had found they needed an operating
system for their inhouse computer center which was then
running lots of short batch jobs. Describing the
situation then facing the Labs, Vyssotsky explains,
"We just couldn't take the time to get them on and
off the machine manually. We needed an operating system
to sequence jobs through and control machine
resources."(20) The BESYS operating system was
created at Bell Labs to deal with their inhouse needs.
When asked by others outside the Labs to make a copy
available, they did so but with no obligation to provide
support. "There was no support when we shipped a
BESYS tape to somebody," Vyssotsky recalls, "we
would answer reasonable questions over the telephone. If
they found troubles or we found troubles, we would
provide fixes."(21)
By 1964, however, Bell Labs was
adopting third generation computer equipment and had to
decide whether they would build their own operating
system or go with one that was built outside the Labs.
Vyssotsky recounts the process of deliberation at the
time, "Through a rather murky process of internal
deliberation we decided to join forces with General
Electric and MIT to create Multics." He explains
that the Labs planned to use the Multics operating
system, "as a mainstay for Bell Laboratories
internal service computing in precisely the same way that
we had used the BESYS operating system."(22)
Unix Is Born and the Introduction of Pipes
When AT&T made the decision
to pull out of the Multics collaboration, they took the
research operating system off their GE 645 computer and
put up the GECOS operating system. Though GECOS was
for applications, it was "nowhere near as
satisfactory if you were trying to do things that were
technically difficult and imperfectly defined,"
explained Vyssotsky, "which is the main task of
For the pioneering work of Bell
Labs research programmers like Ken Thompson and the
research purposes of the Labs, an operating system more
like what Multics had promised was needed. Along with the
advantages of immediate feedback which time-sharing
provided, the Bell Labs researchers wanted to continue
the ability to work collaboratively which time-sharing
had made possible.
"What we wanted to
preserve," one of the creators of Unix, Dennis
Ritchie writes, "was not just a good programming
environment in which to do programming, but a system
around which a fellowship could form. We knew from
experience that the essence of communal computing, as
supplied by remote-access, time-shared machines, is not
just to type programs into a terminal instead of a
keypunch, but to encourage close
Ritchie describes how an informal
group led by Thompson had begun investigating
alternatives to Multics before the GE-645 Multics machine
had been removed from the Labs.(25) Thompson and Ritchie
presented Bell Labs with proposals to buy them a computer
so they could build their own interactive, time-sharing
operating system. Their proposals weren't acted on.
Eventually, Thompson found a little used PDP-7 computer.
According to Vyssotsky, the orphaned PDP-7 computer was a
machine, "more in the class
of a Commodore 64 than the class of a
Ritchie, Thompson, and Rudd Canady,
who had been part of the Multics project, applied the
lessons they had learned to the design of a file system
for an experimental operating system. Writing on a chalk
they created a file system design based on "the
particularly simple way of viewing files that was
suggested by the Multics I/O system."(27)
"Soon," Ritchie
recounts, "Thompson began implementing the paper
file system (perhaps `chalk file system' would be more
accurate) that had been designed earlier." Thompson
was eager to get a working model so he
could test it out. He proceeded to create the other
aspects of an operating system. "A file system
without a way to exercise it was a sterile
proposition," notes Ritchie, "so he [Thompson]
proceeded to flesh it out with the other requirements for
a working operating system, in particular the notion of
Describing the primitive conditions
that Thompson faced, Ritchie writes, "At the start,
Thompson did not even program on the PDP itself, but
instead used a set of macros for the GEMAP assembler on a
machine."(29) A paper tape was generated on the GE
635 and then tested on the PDP-7 until, according to
Ritchie, "a primitive Unix kernel, an editor, an
assembler, a simple shell (command interpreter), and a
utilities (like the Unix rm, cat, cp commands) were
completed. At this point, the operating system was
self-supporting, programs could be written and tested
without resort to paper tape, and development
continued on the PDP-7 itself."(30)
Ritchie describes how Thompson's
PDP-7 assembler was a model of simplicity. "There
were no libraries, no loader or link editor," he
writes, "the entire source of a program was
presented to the assembler, and the output file -- with a
fixed name -- that emerged was directly
executable."(31) Once the assembler was completed,
"the system was able to support itself. And thus the
operating system we now call UNIX was
born," notes Ritchie.(32)
Among the other active contributors
during this period were Bell Labs researchers Rudd Canady
and Joe Ossanna. The researchers were anxious to continue
their work on a more advanced computer than the PDP-7.
However, their efforts to get AT&T to buy them a more
advanced computer for their time-sharing
research hadn't succeeded. With the help of Ossanna and
another Bell Labs researcher Lee McMahon, they were
finally able to convince management to buy them a new
PDP-11 computer. To obtain this agreement, though, the
researchers promised to create a text processing system.
Doug McIlroy explains that "typists everywhere were
seen as potential customers of the promised
document-preparation program. Only later did Ossanna spot
the patent department as a ripe candidate. By then there
had already been clients in the telephone-operations
business."(33) By Spring 1971, the Bell Labs Unix
pioneers had a text formatter,
fulfilling their promise. They had translated one they
had created for the PDP-7 from a program McIlroy had
written in the BCPL language while working on Multics.
The text formatter was an assembler program for the
One of the important
developments in Unix was the introduction of pipes. Pipes
had been suggested by McIlroy during the early days of
creating Unix. Ritchie explains how "the idea,
explained one afternoon on
a blackboard, intrigued us but failed to ignite any
immediate action. There were several objections to the
idea as put....What a failure of imagination,"
he admits.(35) McIlroy concurs, describing how the
initial effort to add pipes to Unix occurred about the
same time in 1969 that Ritchie, Thompson and Canaday were
outlining ideas for a file system. "That was
when," he writes, "the simple pipeline as a way
to combine programs, with data notationally propagating
along a chain of (not necessarily concurrent) filters was
articulated."(36) However, pipes weren't implemented
in Unix until 1972. "Thanks to McIlroy's
persistence," Ritchie writes, "pipes were
finally installed in the operating system (a relatively
simple job), and a new notation was introduced."(37)
Several of the old commands had to be changed to make
them usable with pipes, notes Ritchie. Summarizing how
pipes found their way into Unix, Vyssotsky notes that
Thompson put them in, but "it was McIlroy who said,
`look you ought to do it.' Pipes, like most things in
Unix were not a radically new idea."(38) He
describes how similar ideas had appeared in other
languages like SIMULA as early as 1967.
Dick Haight, a Unix
pioneer who helped develop the Programmer's Workbench of
Unix tools, was present the day that pipes were
introduced into Unix. He describes what happened:
"I happened to have been
visiting the research crew the
day they implemented pipes. It
was clear to everyone
practically minutes after the
system came up with pipes
working that it was a wonderful
thing. Nobody would ever go
back and give that up if they
could help it."(39)
Also describing the day pipes were introduced, McIlroy
"Open Systems! Our Systems! How well
those who were
there remember the pipe-festooned
garret where Unix
took form. The excitement of creation
drew people to
work there amidst the whine of the
computer's cool-
ing fans, even though almost the same
computer ac-
cess, could be had from one's office
or from home.
Those raw quarters saw a procession of
events. The advent of software pipes
precipitated a
day-long orgy of one-liners....As
people reveled in
the power of functional composition in
the large,
which is even today unavailable to
users of other
The Software Tool
Pipes had been created by the
time the Version 3 Unix Manual appeared in February 1973.
The date listed for the creation of pipes is January 15,
1973(41). Not only were pipes a significant addition to
Unix, but according to McIlroy, pipes made possible a
subsequent important discovery. "In another
memorable event," he writes, "the unarticulated
notion of software tools, which had been bolstered by
pipes, was finally
brought home by the liberation of the pattern matching
program grep from within the editor."
McIlroy describes how he
asked Thompson to create a program to help him with some
work that he was trying to do. This program resulted in
the invention of the software tool `grep.' Following is
McIlroy's account of how `grep' was taken out from the
editor, leading to a clearer understanding of the notion
of a software tool. He writes:
"Grep was invented for
me. I was making a program to read
text aloud through a voice
synthesizer. As I invented
phonetic rules I would check
Webster's dictionary for words
on which they might fail. For
example, how do you cope with
the digraph `ui', which is
pronounced many different ways:
`fruit', `guile', `guilty',
`anguish', `intuit', `beguine'?
I would break the dictionary up
into pieces that fit in ed's
limited buffer and use a global
command to select a list. I
would whittle this list down by
repeated scannings with ed
to see how each proposed rule
"The process was tedious,
and terribly wasteful, since the
dictionary had to be split (one
couldn't afford to leave a
split copy on line). Then ed
copied each part into /tmp,
scanned it twice to accomplish
the g command, and finally
threw it away, which takes time
"One afternoon I asked Ken
Thompson if he could lift the
regular expression recognizer
out of the editor and make a
one-pass program to do it. He
said yes. The next morning I
found a note in my mail
announcing a program named grep. It
worked like a charm. When asked
what that funny name meant,
Ken said it was obvious. It
stood for the editor command
that it simulated, g/re/p
(global regular expression print)."
"Progress on my talking
program accelerated dramatically.
From that special-purpose
beginning, grep soon became a
household word. (Something I had
to stop myself from writing
in the first paragraph above
shows how firmly naturalized
the idea now is: `I used ed to
grep out words from the
dictionary.') More than any
other single program, grep
focused the viewpoint that
Kernighan and Plauger christened
and formalized in `Software
Tools': make programs that do
one thing and do it well, with
as few preconceptions about
input syntax as
Grep is listed in the Manual
for Version 4 Unix which is dated November, 1973. The
date given for the creation of grep is March 3, 1973,
following the creation of pipes.(43) The creation of
grep, McIlroy
explains, was followed by the invention of other special
purpose software programs that could be used as tools. He
"A while later a demand
arose for another special-purpose
program, gres, for
substitution: g/re/s. Lee McMahon
undertook to write it, and soon
foresaw that there would be
no end to the family:
g/re/d, g/re/a, etc. As his concept
developed it became sed, a tool
of remarkable utility that
is largely unappreciated today,
because it capitalizes on
the perfect familiarity with ed
that was universal ten years
ago, but no more. Sed
covers a lot of needs. For example,
we have never seen fit to adopt
the widespread `head'
utility because `sed 10q' does
just as well."(44)
What McIlroy refers to as
"the unarticulated notion of software
tools...brought home by the liberation of...grep from
within the editor" has become one of the significant
achievements of the Bell Labs research work on Unix. By
making it possible to use `grep' to search for a data
pattern in a file, without having to use an editor to go
inside the file, the Bell Labs researchers discovered
that they could create a plethora of software tools to be
used in varying combinations, thus facilitating the
customized application by a user, a goal sought by those
doing research in programming.(45)
McIlroy explains that the
notion of "software tool" only became
articulated among the Bell Labs researchers with the
publication of the book "Software Tools" by
Kernighan and Plaugher. "Still unnamed in our
circles," McIlroy notes, "until Kernighan and
Plauger wrote their book, the idea nevertheless became a
guiding principle."(46) McIlroy adds that "We
were definitely building tools before K&P, though we
lacked the suggestive word."(47)
Describing how the notion of
software tools helps to create an effective programming
environment, Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, authors of
The Unix Programming Environment, explain that each tool
designed to be used with other tools and achieving this
end is more important than how each is designed
internally.(48) The most important aspect considered with
each tool is the function that the tool is to have. New
tools are designed once a new function is intended.
"The guiding
principle," they write, "for making the choice
should be that each program does one thing. Options are
appropriately added to a program that already has the
right functionality. If there is no such program then a
new program is called for. In that case the usual
criteria for program design should be used: the program
should be as general as possible, its default behavior
should match the most common usage and it should
cooperate with other programs."(49)
Thus Unix, according to
Kernighan and Pike, created "a new style of
computing, a new way of thinking of how to attack a
problem with a computer. This style," they explain,
"was based on the use of tools: using programs
separately or in combination to get a job done, rather
than doing it by hand, by monolithic self-sufficient
subsystems, or by special-purpose, one-time
The philosophy of using
software tools that developed from research in Unix is
outlined in the "Foreward" to the special issue
of The Bell System Technical Journal published in 1978,
on "The Unix Time-sharing System." Describing
the principles which they have found to be an important
component of the Unix
philosophy of software design, the researchers
"UNIX utilities are
usually thought of as tools -- sharply
honed programs that help with
generic data processing tasks.
Tools were often invented to
help with the development of
UNIX programs and were
continually improved by much trial,
error, discussion, and redesign,
as was the operating system
itself. Tools may be used in
combination to perform or
construct specific
They explain that a distinctive
style evolved as part of Unix research. "Unix
software works smoothly together; elaborate computing
tasks are typically composed from loosely coupled small
parts, often software tools taken off the
"Sophisticated tools
to make tools have evolved," they observe. (53)
Software development tools such as "nroff" and
"troff" were created. Not only was it important
to create tools, but soon tools to create tools, like
"yacc" and "lex", were developed.
"Yacc" and "lex" were used to create
numerous little languages and applications like eqn and
awk that greatly enhanced the popularity of Unix.
The evolution of the tool
"diff" created by McIlroy, a commonly used
software tool, is an example of how tools were
continually improved, based on the experience gained
using them. McIlroy reports how he based
his work on algorithms created by others and then he
tried three different algorithms before settling on the
one finally used.(54) Other Unix tools were created
through a similar process. Each program was created to
fulfill some simple capability and was called a tool. The
programs were designed to be fun to use and to be helpful
to programmers. Among the principles guiding the
toolbuilders were:
"(i) Make each program
do one thing well. To do a new job,
build afresh rather than
complicate old programs by adding
new features.
(ii) Expect the output of
every program to become the input
to another, as yet unknown,
program. Don't clutter output
with extraneous information.
Avoid stringently columnar or
binary input formats. Don't
insist on interactive input.
(iii) Design and build
software, even operating systems, to
be tried early, ideally within
weeks. Don't hesitate to
throw away the clumsy parts and
rebuild them.
(iv) Use tools in preference
to unskilled help to lighten a
programming task, even if you
have to detour to build the
tools and expect to throw some
of them out after you've
finished using
"Our goals throughout the
effort," write Ritchie and Thompson, in describing
the research objectives of their work on Unix, "when
articulated at all, have always been to build a
comfortable relationship with the machine and to explain
ideas and inventions in operating systems and other
software." (56)
Frederick P. Brooks Jr is
another computer pioneer who recognized the importance of
pipes and combining single function programs into what he
calls "a unified programming environment" to
make the
work of programmers more productive. Brooks describes
Unix as one of "the first integrated environments to
come into widespread use," which "improved
productivity by integral factors."(57)
In explaining how such an
environment functions, he writes:
"They attack the accidental
difficulties that result
from using individual programs
together, by providing
integrated libraries, unified
file formats, and pipes and
filters. As a result, conceptual
structures that in
principle could always call,
feed, and use one another can
easily do so in practice."
Following the development of
single function software tools which could be used
together via pipes in a programming environment, came the
development of whole toolchests and workbenches of tools
to rationalize the work of programmers.
the Early History and Impact of Unix. Tools to Build the
Tools for a New Millenium, Chapter 9 of Ronda & Michael
Hauben's "Netizen's Netbook")
Mike Gancarz, The Unix Philosophy, Digital Equipment
Corp, 1996
Peter H. Salus, A Quarter Century of Unix,
Addison-Wesley Pub Co, 1994
see this
list of Unix systems
General Help for UNIX
Advanced Help for UNIX (also available in
PostScript and PDF formats)
Basic UNIX Commands and Utilities
The standard of BSD systems has become POSIX, and
4.4BSD has split into lots of diverging projects:
FreeBSD for
Intel platforms NetBSD
focuses on portability and networking and
supports many platforms;
OpenBSD ,an
offspring of NETBSD focuses on stability and
security, DragonFly BSD
system and scale-ability are still under development).
GNUStep aims to implement a free clone of NeXTStep
Linux: There are versions for Alpha
(64 bit!), ARM, Sparc, Ultrasparc,
m68k [runs on Atari
and Amiga , PalmPilot;
for Mac ,
and for NeXT
Cube], PowerMac
(Mach microkernel mklinux)
and other PowerPC , MIPS
(including some SGI
workstations), HP-PA
(with mklinux), more in
Mach is a free
upon which many experimental OSes are built.
project tries to implement objects above Mach in
C++ according to the related OMOS
model and implementation over plain unix.
(University of Utah has stopped maintaining Mach4,
concentrates now on Flux
project and Fluke microkernel)
(dead project)
Commercial Unices which follow POSIX convention
MachTen commercial version of
BSD4.4 using Mach on 680x0 and PPC MacIntoshes.
(free: MacBSD.)
Commercial OS, but freely available for academic
Modern Unices
SVR4 AT&T and
has integrated features of SVR3,
SunOs, 4.3 BSD, MS Xenix. Total rewrite of system V.
Process scheduling classes,virtual mem management,
virtual file system, preemptive kernel. Data structures
are dynamically allocated.
Virtual memory system. Most widely
used in academic world. Basis for many comercial Unices.
Sun Solaris 2.x (2.8)
Multithreaded kernel , support for
today Linux BSD...
Linux is the perfect alternative to
Windows if you're looking for server applications or a (
windowed ) command line system. But today Linux is also usefull as graphical alternative to Windows
even for demanding multimedia applications, graphical 3d
applications with moving objects, gaming etc (Opengl today needs a
But even more attractive could be the many
variants of BSD: OpenBSD, NETBSD, FreeBSD.... If only the developpers
could manage their egos. A reunited BSD could be a strong opponent to
If you insist in using Windows software: For all
Unices there is today a free Windows emulator
WINE, which is since 2009 available
in stable versions (Linux, FreeBSD).
Wine Application Database
(DEC) (outdated)